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> > Senegal

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Climate, Average Weather of Senegal ⛅

🏞 Of the land area, 27.3% has a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate (Aw), 72.7% has a semi-arid/ steppe climate (BS).

🧜 Of the population, 31.9% live in a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate (Aw), 68.1% live in a semi-arid/ steppe climate (BS).

LocationLat.Long.Alt. m(ft)ClimateBiomeAv. Temp.Precip.
Podor16°39'N14°56'W6 (19)BWhTropical thorn woodland27 (80)213 (8)
Matam15°38'N13°15'W15 (50)BWhTropical very dry forest30 (86)367 (14)
Dakar14°44'N17°30'W22 (72)BShTropical very dry forest24 (76)412 (16)
Kolda12°53'N14°58'W8 (27)AwTropical dry forest28 (82)1022 (40)
Saint-Louis16°3'N16°27'W2 (7)-Tropical thorn woodland26 (79)261 (10)
Linguere15°23'N15°7'W20 (64)-Tropical very dry forest29 (84)400 (16)
Diourbel14°39'N16°14'W7 (23)-Subtropical dry forest28 (83)516 (20)
Kaolack14°8'N16°4'W6 (20)-Tropical dry forest29 (84)610 (24)
Tambacounda13°46'N13°41'W49 (160)-Tropical very dry forest29 (84)-
Kedougou12°34'N12°13'W165 (543)-Tropical dry forest29 (83)-
Ziguinchor12°33'N16°16'W19 (63)-Tropical dry forest27 (81)1235 (49)
 Senegal Average14°27'N15°9'W29 (95)BWhTropical very dry forest28 (82)560 (22)

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